Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hip Hop News: Police union president and three other officers investigated over 'gansta rap' video

Every now and then we hear of police officers coming out with a rap video, including a case in Dallas Texas that got a female cop in trouble.   Officer Maurice Gattison who is a detective created a rap video that was allegedly offensive.  The video shows violent imagery and a homophic slur, according to Mail OnlineWe question if these officers get so bored with their jobs, could this be a way of letting out their frustration?

Have you ever wonder why whenever we hear of these types of stories, why don't we ever hear of any other career men or women doing rap videos, like firemen?  For some odd reason, it seems as though these cops have fascination with rap, which has become an addiction and whenever they get caught, they defend why they do it. If any of you ever watched the A&E TV Show, Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force, they always play rap music on this reality show, which reveals this could be a favorite hobby for many of them while not on duty.

We wonder why these police officers just don't become rappers and drop their careers as police officers?   Obviously, it is not morally wise for police officers to create rap videos and go public with them, these four officers are now under investigation and there video is being reviewed by their superiors.

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Police union president and three other officers investigated over 'gansta rap' video

By Daily Mail Reporter
The president of a police union in suburban New Jersey is being investigated, along with three fellow officers, for a 'gangsta rap' video they appeared in that includes violent imagery and a homophobic slur. 

Officer Maurice Gattison is a detective who is well-regarded for his work in the Irvington Police Department, but he moonlights as 'Gat the Great,' a hard-edged rapper who sings about shooting his enemies...Read full article, here.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

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